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Deluxe APP Press Kit


  • Press
  • Roller Handle
  • Priming System
  • Universal Case Feeder
  • APP Deprime Kit
  • Bottle Adapter
Availability: In stock
SKU: 91898

The Lee Deluxe Automatic Processing Press gives you the same priming convenience found only on expensive progressive reloading presses.

We started with the basic APP, added the Roller Handle, Universal Case Feed Magazine and the APP Deprime kit. Then we fitted the tool with the Patented automatic primer feed system. There is no priming system made that is as fast, effortless, or uniform as the APP primer. Cases and primers are automatically fed. Primers are seated uniformly without "feel" or adjustments required. Safe with any brand or size of primer. Change primer size in seconds. Simply twist out the priming chamber and swap out the pin and primer guide. No shell holders required! When you’re finished priming — simply twist out the priming tool and replace with the supplied shell holder adapter. Then you can use all the APP accessories available to Bulge Bust or Primer Pocket Swage.


  • Press
  • Roller Handle
  • Priming System
  • Universal 4 Tube Case Feeder
  • APP Deprime Kit
  • Bottle Adapter

Photo note:  The Deluxe App is mounted to our accessory Reloading Stand.

Maximum case legnth is 30-06 or 2.494" to process cases

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APP Primer Pocket SwagerThe APP press works with some exclusive products, like our primer pocket swager. The new swager removes military primer pocket crimps automatically and as fast as you can operate the lever.

APP Close-up Bullet SizingBreech Lock Bullet Sizer KitThe Breech lock bullet sizer allows nose first bullet sizing and you can change size with an inexpensive punch and bullet sizer die. Nose first bullet sizing is the most accurate, distortion free and because you are pushing on the base of the bullet no special nose punches are required.  On the App press bullets are sized as rapidly as you can operate the press lever. The sized bullets drop into an attached wide mouth container. This is the perfect tool for the now popular powder coated bullets.

APP press bulge busting brass

The Lee APP Bulge Buster Kit and the appropriate Lee Carbide Factory Crimp Die restores free function of rimless cases that have low base bulges. Low base bulges usually occur from chambers that do not fully support the cartridge or cases resized in carbide dies from manufacturers other than Lee. These show a noticeable stop ring near the base. You will most likely find cases with these problems in mixed range brass. 

The Lee Carbide Factory Crimp Die must be purchased separately. 

**Will work with the following cases:  380 ACP, 10mm, 40 S&W, 41 AE (Use 40 S&W Factory Crimp Die), 45 ACP, 45 GAP, and 45 Win Mag.


Existing reviews
I always told myself I would never reload .223. with prices increasing I decided to start being a brass goblin at the range. Now I've got lots of .223  brass. I bought this to process the brass, mainly to deprime and swage out the primer crimp. Man does this thing get it done fast. When I first opened the box it took me less than 30 minutes to figure out how it works and get it set up. I started with 9mm brass i had laying around and quickly deprimed about 500 in short order. I then started on my stash of .223. got through about 20 before a case got stuck and broke my decapper. Immediately contacted lee and they sent one in the mail. It's not their fault, but that is customer service. Decided to try the app swage kit on the brass I decapped and it worked fantastically fast.

Bottom line, if you got lots of brass to prep, this gets it done fast.
Brian | 10/3/2024 5:12 PM
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Better than expected and an incredible value
My Deluxe APP arrived last week. I’ve put at least 2,000 cases through so far. Primarily 9mm and 38 special. I also decapped some 380, 40 S&W, and 223. It takes a minute to set up the case feed magazine and you want it almost touching the handle so the cases drop consistently. Lube the slide and case pusher with some case lube to keep the cases moving smoothly. Depriming is basically flawless. Cases are perfectly centered. Order an undersized decapping pin or two, particularly for 223 cases. And get the case collator as well.
Priming cases is just as easy and reliable. Primer feed is brilliant. Miss a case or get one upside down, doesn’t matter. The primers just queue up.  I also used the APP successfully to resize my 9mm cases.  I used it for more processing on the 38 cases: resizing, expanding, trimming with the QuikTrim Die, and finally flaring.
Pro tip: make sure every cycle of the press is a full and complete stroke of the handle. Critical to make sure cases are centered correctly and the next case feeds reliably.
After your Breech Lock Challenger, this should be your second press.
Palmer | 6/19/2023 9:35 PM
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